Tramps like us

The fast ones, the slow ones, obsessed ones, the I’ll start again tomorrows, the dirtbags, perfectionists, stroller pushers and dog joggers, the showboats and shy ones, newbie or old ones, the 5k or ultra, trail, tread or road, this store is for us all.

When I was born, my parents put me in this onesie that read "Born to Run". I never stood a chance. Raised by runners, it's been the one constant in my life, the one thing I know like the back of my hand. I've been doing it for over 35 years and have seen trends come and go and come back again. I've trained with coaches, run hundreds of races, sometimes learned things the hard way, but it's given me a mountain of experience. I love the running community. I don't just run. I volunteer, I shoot race photos and when I ended up with cancer a while back, they rallied around me like none other.

With access to hundreds of miles of trails and road, Snoqualmie was basically begging for a running store. As a resident of Snoqualmie and North Bend for the last ten years, I was bummed that in order to forego the Internet and shop local, I’d have to leave town. This store is for the community. I hope it’s a place you can come to not only find your gear, but join group runs or events, maybe even find a new running buddy. Let’s have a good time.